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dimecres, 20 d’abril del 2016

Make it Girlie

Hola a tothom!

Aquesta és la targeta que presento al Simons Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge d'aquesta setmana, la condició: que fos molt femenina, Make it girlie, i crec que ho he aconseguit. No soc gaire de floretes, però m'agrada molt com ha quedat. 

Gràcies per la visita!


4 comentaris:

  1. I love your card, everything is so perfect : the colors, the simple layout ! Your red berries seem so true ! Very gorgeous card !

    1. Isabelle Siry thanks for your comment , I 'm glad you like it, I think that is very girlie, isn't it? ;)

  2. LOVE your card - especially that tiny tag with the teensy heart - adorable! Thanks for playing in our "girlie" challenge this week at the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday challenge!
